Sunday, April 11, 2010


Flashback: Sometime Between 2001 and 2008:
“Mom, can we talk?”
“Sure, dear. What’s up?”
“I’m really concerned about the deficit and stuff. I think the government’s spending too much money.”
“Oh, now, dear, I think you just have an overactive imagination. The president says everything is just fine.”
“Yeah, but…”
“Oh, go on and play now. Deficits don’t really matter, dear. Alan Greenspan said so himself. Here…go buy yourself some ice cream.”
“Gee, thanks, Mom.”

Flash Forward: Sometime Between 2009 and 2010:
“Mom, can we talk?”
“Whaddya want?”
“I’m still really concerned about the deficit and stuff. I think the government’s spending too much money.”
“Yeah, well, you can blame that socialist America-killer Obama. It’s all his fault! He and those Marxist thugs Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and their socialist-Marxist commie giveaways. Unbelievable! They come waltzing into town and run up the deficit like they’re high on meth. Deficits matter, you know! They matter a lot! Deficits matter more than anything else! Just ask Alan Greenspan—he knows! As long as Democrats are in power, you are so screwed. Now go get me a beer.”

Flash Forward: The Next GOP Presidency:
“Mom, can we talk?”
“Sure, dear. What’s up?”
“I’m really concerned about the deficit and stuff. I think the government’s spending too much money.”
“Oh, now, dear, you just have an overactive imagination like your older sister. The president says everything is just fine. So don’t you worry your pretty little head, Punkin’. He has everything under control. Besides, deficits don’t really matter. Even Alan Greenspan says so, and he’s 125 so that makes him very wise. Here…go buy yourself some ice cream.”
“Gee thanks, Mom!”

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