Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I don't generally pass along this type of e-mail, but I think it's worthwhile for you to explore... (Scribbler)

Dear Reader,

Most people believe the election was all about whether or not Obama will have a second term.

But it was not.

What was actually at stake was whether or not he will have a third-term.

There’s a secret to understanding how we know Obama will seek a third term. There’s a secret to how he’ll garner the power to win, yet again… and keep power through 2020 – or even beyond.

These things will change the political climate here and abroad. These new forces will increase the wealth of the United States and improve our standing in the world economy. But… in the process… they will also empower the president of the United States… perhaps enabling him to implement the most terrifying socialist policies in the history of our country.

You can access my analysis in written and presentation forms, free of charge, here


Porter Stansberry

Founder, Stansberry Research

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